Multiple Vacancies
We have a number of open vacancies dotted across the UK at the moment and it’s an exciting time to be alive at Jonothan Bosworth… Our clients are all reputable, dynamic businesses, looking to bring fresh talent to their ranks, and we are hoping that it could be you! Are you a Business Development […]
What Is Work Ethic?
This is an interesting topic… Work; ‘activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a result’ Ethic; ‘a set of moral principles, especially ones relating to or affirming a specified group, field, or form of conduct’ …Does the lady who collects hundreds of plastic bottles off the street, and then weighs […]
What Is Intelligence?
End Of Year Blog. Part I Let us ask you a question… ‘How Intelligent Do You Think You Are? Every recruiter at Jonothan Bosworth will now tell themselves that they ‘can’ and they ‘will’ every single day. ‘Recruitment’ is a multi-billion-pound industry – but the perceived ‘value’ placed upon it, has been questioned time […]
If you have been a recruiter for longer than 12 months, the chances are you have had a candidate ‘accept an offer’, and then ‘fail to start’ a new contract of employment. QUESTION: “Is there anything that you can do to stop this from happening?” The short answer is: ‘no’… …If someone has made up […]
Is it us, or does the world and everybody in it expect things to be done ‘yesterday’? From what we understand, it has taken millions of years for our planet and the life that inhabits this place we call Earth to have evolved to the stage it’s at right now. Judging by the behaviour of some – […]
What Is Luck?
Well, the ‘textbook’ definition runs along the lines of this: “…success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one’s own actions; a force that seems to operate, as in shaping circumstances, events or opportunities…” It may sound controversial – but from a ‘real world’ perspective, we don’t agree with this entirely. Any action […]
Recruitment: A Saturated Industry?
We’re big fans of James Caan (the recruitment entrepreneur, not the movie star, although we like the actor too!) We’ve heard him say that when he started his business in the 80’s there were ‘less than 100 agencies’ and today there are ‘over 20,000 recruitment companies’ So, does this mean that the industry has […]
Fear Of Failure
Jack Ma, the creator of Alibaba and one of the richest men in the world with an estimated wealth of $ 25 billion said this: “I failed 3 times in college. I applied 30 times to get a job but I have always been rejected. When KFC came to China for the first time, […]
You’re Hired!!
Submit your CV here: Jonothan Bosworth Recruitment Specialists have several exciting roles and we’d like to hire you on behalf of our clients! If you are ‘considering’ a permanent move, or if your current contract is coming to an end, please reach out to us ASAP on +44(0)845 299 6369… We […]
Degree Or Not Degree, That Is The Question…
UK Recruiters Question The Value Of A Degree A new study reveals how UK recruitment professionals are questioning the value of a degree in the current job market, with over half of those in the industry admitting that if they had their chance again, they would choose NOT to go to university. The research, conducted […]