Written by: Shimron Equiano
Since the 19th Century, the advancements in Technology have changed the world beyond all recognition – especially in the last 10 to 20 years.
First, the automobile, then the aeroplane, then the personal computer, the smartphone, the electric / self-driving car; and now artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are taking the ‘robotics’ element of Technology to the next level.
I work in recruitment, so I’m going to discuss these advancements in relation to their effect on this industry.
Some commentators say that the role of recruiters will become redundant, just as soon as some ‘whizz bang geek visionary’ in Silicon Valley figures out a way to permanently eradicate them.
I must disagree.
Whilst automation is already getting rid of some of the ‘thankless tasks’ that all recruiters [have to] do, and whilst artificial intelligence is also helping to eradicate some the ‘mistakes’ that are still being made by the recruiter, there’s nothing’ that will remove the ‘human element’ of recruitment.
How could a ‘bot’ know:
-the hidden motivation behind a candidates’ reason for leaving a role having just received a promotion?
-how to question an employers’ reason for not wanting to employ a person of a certain sex, race or age?
-that what the CV says is merely the ‘top layer’ and until detailed conversations take place, the ‘real value’ of a candidate is unlikely to be unearthed?
-whether a 4-month old un-filled vacancy, needs the employer to have the job description re-evaluated?
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Whichever way we dress it up – ‘machine learning’ has and is likely to continue to have limitations in the recruitment sector, because ultimately, recruitment is a ‘people business’ not an ‘algorithm business’
Can the current (and future) Technology advancements in the recruitment sector help recruiters to be more ‘efficient’?
Can it also help to remove some of the ‘guess’ work?
Yes, it can.
Would I agree that ‘some’ recruiters will fall by the wayside?
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AI & ML is going to continue to have a greater impact and it is up to the custodians of the recruitment industry to embrace it, utilise it and manage it appropriately to improve the ‘process’ and the ‘experience’ for all parties involved.
Aside from having children, or getting married, or buying a new home or a car …starting/changing jobs can be one of the biggest decisions taken by an individual and this can be the cause of lots of different emotions like stress, excitement, uncertainty and everything in between!
The ‘best’ recruiters who dedicate themselves to the craft will have the ability to process & manage the ‘emotional’ aspect of recruitment better than any piece of technology, past present or future.
I’d be happy for someone to pull this blog from the ‘cyber-vault’ in 2038 and prove me wrong – but I do think that a recruiter who has dedicated time & energy to understanding the culture, ambition and history of the employer and then carefully matching this to the wants, needs and idiosyncrasies of a potential employee will continue to ‘win’.
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If you are a client in search of a new recruitment partner, or a candidate looking for your next challenge, please email us on; Hello@JonothanBosworth.co.uk or call us on; 0845 299 6369 to see how we can positively assist you.